v4 Mermaid Benchmark Posted by Riino on Tuesday, May 16, 2023This post is used to test riinosite 4 functionality onlyFlowchartthreeonec2c1twob2b1a2a1 texttext2ABC Link textOneTwoHard edgeRound edgeDecisionResult oneResult two Sequence DiagramAliceJohnHello John, how are you?Great!See you later!AliceJohn State DiagramStillMovingCrash ER DiagramCUSTOMERORDERLINE-ITEMDELIVERY-ADDRESSplacescontainsuses User JourneyMy working dayCatMeGo to workGo to workMeMake teaMake teaMeGo upstairsGo upstairsMeCatDo workDo workGo homeGo homeMeGo downstairsGo downstairsMeSit downSit downMy working day GanttA Gantt Diagram2014-01-052014-01-122014-01-192014-01-262014-02-022014-02-092014-02-16A task Task in sec another task Another task SectionAnotherA Gantt Diagram PiePets adopted by volunteers79%17%3%Pets adopted by volunteersDogsCatsRats Gitmaindevelop0-22a2d251-df40d552-776be773-2af01965-c8711026-ce722ab